There once were a couple of "Dave's". For years these Daves both learned the craft of home brewing right on their kitchen stovetops. It wasn’t until several years ago that they met and started sharing their experiences and knowledge. Their fine craft of brewing has inspired many family and friends. There was always that question, ”What do you have brewing now?”
With 25 years of brewing experience and over 2 years of preparation, planning and licensing behind them, the two Daves can finally say Scantic River Brewery of Hampden, Massachusetts is now a licensed brewery. We now have the opportunity to not only provide a great beer to both our family and friends, but the public as well.
Take a ride to our small town of Hampden, Massachusetts and share the experience
of a true crafted, local beer from “just a couple of Daves” at our local VFW on Main Street.
The Scantic River Brewery is a Nano-Brewery currently producing the signature Hampden Pale Ale, the North Trail IPA and several other seasonal beers. Because of the size of our business we are able to pay special attention to each and every batch we make. Many of our own recipes use locally produced ingredients.